Looking Back to Move Forward

Part of the challenge when updating your resume, applying for a new job, writing a summary of your goals for the year at evaluation time, is simply remembering all that you have accomplished and reflecting on how you have grown.


As we approach the end of the annual year (or the middle of the school year), it won’t be long before we are bombarded with new year’s resolutions and goal setting recommendations. Working with women in the field of education, one practical tip is to look back at what you have accomplished since July 1st in your current role.


Mid-School Year To Do List:


  • Take one hour to create a physical or electronic folder and move agendas, calendar items, and other products into one location so you have them all together.
  • Make a list of major initiatives that you have started and completed since July 1st.
  • Make a list of lessons learned or how you have grown as a leader.
  • Make a list of mistakes and how you would do things differently.
  • Write three notes: one to a person who has helped you in the past 6 months, one to a person who has shown growth in their own leadership, and one to someone you enjoy working with each day.


Now, you are prepared to move forward. This process of looking back, will help you prepare for your next semester, your next job, your next promotion, and even your end of year evaluation. Sending people short notes, will help them continue their pathway to growth as well.